Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Summer of Arcade

As promised, here is an unedited walkthrough of the arcades that I encountered on my vacation.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Summer of Vacation: Cedar Point

So, I went on a little vacation recently to one of my favorite places, Cedar Point! With my trusty Flip Ultra HD video camera in hand, I recorded tons of footage and made this little video of my trip. I have a lot of other left-over footage which im planning on using on another video. Mainly, the arcades that I encountered on my trip. You'll see a little bit of that in this video. Okay, seeya!

Monday, May 17, 2010

WAT?! An Update?! NO WAY!!

Uh... Ya way. These past few months have been extremely hectic for me and everyone else. School has been keeping us busy, but that will soon change, for High School is almost over for us! Well, except Draikinator (she has one more year left, poor thing). Anyway, updates for the site have come to a screeching halt, but i hope to change that soon. I will be getting a new video camera very soon, and I now own a MacBook Pro, and I intend on redesigning Neo9i using iWeb, but I dont know when that will be done. Hopefully, over the summer. In the mean time, follow the Neo9i Twitter for up-to-date details on what is to come for the site. Until then,